We have a new brewery arriving in three weeks and nowhere to set it up.
The dust settled pretty quickly after we were left out in the rain by that last guy and we started throwing out the feelers searching desperately for a new place in which to build our home.
Our first port of call was to call our brewery suppliers and beg them to delay our delivery. They came back and agreed not till ship it until March, giving us until April to find a place. We haven’t been in this game too long but that sure is a hell of a short time to do all of this; but hey, it's much MUCH longer than we had.
Right off the bat we started finding diamonds in the dust and falling in love with location after location. We entered into talks with landlords, met with the council and developers and all the while the clock was audibly ticking. Following the pattern of our current run of luck, everything adds up to diddly squat. We sit and deliberate our options at length, and come to the conclusion that we just don’t have the time to waste and have to get this show back on the road.
After this the clouds parted the angels sung and the sun shone down on us. A miracle presented itself! It came in the form of our current landlord, she’s decided to offer us the whole premises! Cue fist pumping, smiles and relief!
She's decided that she wants to help us out and had already been toying with the idea of moving her own business to a larger more truck friendly site anyway. Everyone is winning!
The game is back on! and now it's also a race against the clock. Time to start paperwork all over again… bollocks!