Bottling Plant Update

December 01, 2015

We know we've been a bit hopeless with updates, sorry (side effect of working full time and trying to run a brewery :-))

The exciting news is, we've been pushing really hard to get our pre-orders our before christmas and by all accounts they should be!

The not so exciting news is we've had a delay on our bottling plant. Which means we've had to ship our beer to melbourne to have it bottled and sent back. What this really means is that our preorders will be filled but we will have limited quantities of bottled product for a while yet. We should have enough to see us through over christmas (for any of you looking for a christmas present) but I don't know for how long after that.

We have the last of the beer brewing now and we have the labels being printed. The beer should be in melbourne for bottling within 2 weeks and back to us about a week after that.

So, to all of you who have (and continue to) support us thank you! And We will be in touch as soon as we can!