As most of you know we have had our first bottling run and it was a fantastic success (to those of you still waiting on pre-orders they are here, we just have to get them to you).
Moving forward we need to get our own six pack baskets made. Cavalier were good enough to help us out with some of theirs for our initial run but for future productions we would like our own TRBC designs.
As most of you know we want our little brewery to be a positive force for the Tumut region. We want to help in any way we can to boost the profile and recognition of our beautiful townships.
With that in mind we have decided to use our six packs to promote our local area and the things that would interest potential tourists to the area. Our six pack baskets will be printed in full photo colour with beautiful images of our region. There will be 6 designs and the long sides will house the Tumut Region images, requiring us to need at least 12 hi-resolution images.
We are hoping that our awesome group of followers might have some suggestions of landmarks/events/attractions and activities that should be on these six packs and maybe some great personal photos we could use to illustrate these things.
Simon and I are available any time to discuss your questions or leave us a comment here or on any of our corresponding social networking posts.
Let's get a conversation started and work together as a community to promote our region!