Tumut's 3HR Enduro Is Coming!!

March 21, 2018

Tumut's 3HR Enduro Is Coming!!


Held every year at the Tumut Mountain Bike Park, the Tumut 3 hour Enduro is an event for all the family to enjoy and, if they so desire, partake in too!! Never been to or heard of an Enduro mountain bike event before? Well, we’ll give you the low down right here!


What is an “Enduro”?

An Enduro is a cool name for an endurance race and what the organisers will do is set up a mountain bike track (details are kept secret until just before the event) for the competitors and then said competitors will race to complete as many laps as they possibly can in the allotted time. The winner is the one who completes the most laps.

The allotted time is in the event name, “3HR ENDURO”, so competitors will have 3 hours to complete as many laps as possible. This is where the endurance comes in, if you go flat out from the beginning then chances are you’ll run out of steam mid-race and your competitors will begin overtaking you. Just like when running a marathon one needs to carefully pace themselves in order to ensure that they finish the race with as many laps as possible.


But I haven’t got three hours cycling in me!

Never fear! For those of you wishing to try your first enduro, or for those who don’t want to spend all their time cycling whilst the family and friends have all the fun, there are a variety of options available to you.

If you’re just looking to dip your toes in the water, there’s going to be a 1-hour enduro race taking place alongside the main event, so you can get a real taste of the action before maybe trying the full event next year.

If you’re looking for something in-between then both the 3-hour and 1-hour events can be entered as pairs of riders. That means you can go for broke for as many laps as you can muster before tagging your partner in so you can get a breather.


Did someone say prizes in BEER?!

Indeed they did! Excellent beer produced by those beautiful people from the Tumut River Brewery will be handed out as prizes to the riders ( although not for the junior categories, sorry dads) to make sure all that energy was well spent!

Online entries are open now, right HERE! Get registered now to ensure your spot -it’s also cheaper- and your chance to win some fantastic beers! Here’s the poster for the event, you’re sure to be seeing it popping up around town soon! Come see ours at the brewery ;)