Two New Seasonals!
We started our brewery because we were enthralled by beer, really enjoyed brewing it, and our friends seemed to really like our brews too. Now we have our own brewery it seems like we can brew all the beer we want, however there are certain limits to having to brew beer for other people; we just can’t experiment as much as we want to or brew our desired wide varieties of excellent beer!
This is why our selection of seasonal beer is steadily growing and to bring in the New Year we have two more to offer you! For a limited time only enter our new Australian pale ale: Hitchhikers Guide to Galaxy; and our new Red IPA: Deliverance.
When producing an Australian pale ale single
hopped with Australian Galaxy the nerd in us had to come out. Enter Hitchhikers Guide to Galaxy!
Hitchhikers is a more complex beer than the flavour may lead you to believe but that’s the beauty of a well-designed complex beer, it’s not complex to drink. So the next time you find yourself trapped in the airlock of a ship in the Vogon constructor fleet, Don’t Panic, grab your towel, have a beer and prey that our infinite improbability drive manages to
keep us from getting sued…
So long and thanks for all the fish!
Let’s be honest Red IPA’s are all the rage at the moment and while we like to think of ourselves as immune to peer pressure we really like them… So we decided to whip one up. We did try to keep our independence though. We have taken the malt base (more or less) from our Redneck Ale then bittered and hopped the heck out of it! Only we’ve used some really unique new hops which has created a surprisingly mellow but prominent hop profile. You’ll get hints of mango and citrus with a strong malt backbone. It’s a unique and very drinkable beer. So what do you get when you cross our redneck ale with an IPA and Americanise it with a heap of hops…
We've literally just bottled them, so come on down to the brewery - open 10am-10pm over the Christmas period- and come try one of our new stelar brews!