Charles has lived in Tumut for the past 14 years. He is interested in landscape painting, motorbike touring and fly fishing. He is a long standing member of the Men’s shed that provides a stress free environment where community members can meet, socialise and work on their particular interests.
Andrew, at the age of seven received his first guitar and has had a keen interest in music ever since. His musical career has been going from strength to strength and we are so lucky to have him as a part of our TT2 family.
The pair will be supporting Tumut Gadara school that will be developing and implementing learning programs that will provide authentic learning experiences for their students. Growing up in a family where music was important Gab first learned piano and developed a love for singing Growing up in a family where music was important Gab first learned piano and developed a love for singing Growing up in a family where music was important Gab first learned piano and developed a love for singing.
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