Free Beer Day

May 27, 2014

Free Beer Day

I think its safe to say that "Free Beer Day" was a tremendous success!

Thanks to all who attended, we had a ball!

I'm thinking that maybe this could become a yearly event? Let us know what you think.

We had some obvious beer fans, great food and of course great beer. Our big decision for the day was which Redneck Ale to use as our staple recipe (we had two recipes). The darker beer turned out to be the preferred flavour, I must admit that surprised me. Not that I didn't think it was great but I hadn't realised how many of you out there really appreciate a nice malty beer.

I'd just like to say thanks to everyone who contributed. I wont thank you all individually but without our friends and families support we couldn't have pulled it all together so thank you!

And to our fans, thanks for coming down and drinking our free beer and eating our free food Free Beer Day

You guys rock!

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