Paperwork, Paperwork, Paperwork

November 23, 2016

Paperwork, Paperwork, Paperwork

Why do we make beer? Because we have a passion for it and really enjoy drinking it. Now drinking beer is exceptionally enjoyable, and making it is equally as fun however once you begin going down the road of business that we’re on you’ll find that there are some elements of it that aren’t so much fun. Like paperwork. Oh the joys of completing forms and filling out reams and reams of paper.

What paperwork we hear you ask? Council DA paperwork is our first port of call. This document -which ended up being more of a dossier- required us to outline our plans and proposals for our new venue, and all of these plans and proposals must meet and exceed all council regulations and requirements for the sort of venue we want to open, and for where we want to open it. This covers everything, and we mean EVERYTHING. All aspects from parking to waste disposal, from toilets to noise to fire plans. Everything has to be thought out written down, detailed and sent into the council for approval before you can even lift a hammer (often even before you buy the hammer to lift). But it’s a necessary evil and one that only needs to be completed for major upgrades or moves. Phew.

Next comes our application for a liquor licence. We need a new one because its a new location, and because we’re changing to a new company were basically starting from the bottom up with this one. We have a consultant to assist us with this, but whilst this takes some pressure off it is just more money…. Time or money, which would you like? You can’t have both.

Lastly comes share contracts, offers, plans etc. We’ve sold shares so we have to complete numerous complex documents about that part of the business. We’ve had massive support with this paperwork and are exceptionally grateful for all of this.

That’s about it! Phew (again!) All of the paperwork has been completed, double and triple crosschecked and filed. After months of mucking around we can get back to what we’re really here for, great beer. Cheers!