The Brewery Lands in Tumut

March 20, 2017

The Brewery Lands in Tumut

Everything is late, it always is. In todays world nothing and no one can turn up on time, it’s the one thing you can count on. Not Spark Brewing Equipment, God Damn it! Everything seems to have a mind of its own with this project and our shiny new furniture delivery was no exception. We still have no home for it and it's here.

Well we have the venue and our equipment slab is down but it needs to cure and be sealed before we can do anything with it… Thinking we had until April we calculated that we would have just enough time. But when they said they’d ship in March they must have meant March 1st (we assume), it definitely is March but errr… yeah. When they told us three containers full of gear we assumed it’d take about four week to clear customs and get over to us. Nope, it took half that time.

TumutSo what should have been the most exciting time of our lives receives (yet again) an injection of fear and hesitation. Where are we going to store this gear? When will we have to start paying for it? How long before we can actually flick the switch and start the fire?

At least we have a space, a plan and money right? Well two out of three ain’t bad... We’ve touched base with all of our investors to let them know what’s what and so far they’ve been great to us. We've had to chase up a few who are yet to give us promised funds and are currently battling with one of our major investors. He’s in but the battles continue, we lost a few investors due to the butter factory fallout and we’re still trying to scrape around from that. We’re pretty cash poor at the moment but where there’s a will there’s a way, and by God do we have the will!
